The trend of Vietnamese house design in 2018

The trend of Vietnamese house design in 2018

In 2018, the trend of modern Vietnamese house designs will be simple because it solves many problems of function, aesthetics, cost, etc. Along with the knowledge and experience from design consultant to construction for a long time we always grasp the demand trend of customers in Vietnam as well as in the world.

Nội dung bài viết

Trend of house design today

Interior design trends in modern style are very popular, especially among young people. This style is acceptable to everyone by virtue of functionality and aesthetics.

In modern interior design, space is often intermingled, not only in the living room and dining room space without separation but also with narrow streets or villas. The large area also has the same division to create a continuous space, convenient for living to expand the maximum area of ​​the house.

Interlocking Vietnamese home design has become a trend to meet the need for facility and maximize the functional space of the home. The invisible space division through the arrangement allows the family members to communicate and talk to each other in separate rooms.

Vietnamese home design has become a trend to meet the need for facility and maximize the functional space of the home

One of the benefits of interconnecting space is the ability to visually connect areas, displaying all the beauties of decor and interior arrangements. All the furniture in the open space is “open” so the selection and arrangement of furniture to ensure aesthetic is a very important part in creating the beauty and comfort of the seat. home..

At present, the main areas of interlinked design are mostly of concentrated nature such as living room and kitchen, common room and lobby. For private places such as bedrooms or bathrooms, there is a privacy division to ensure the privacy of the users.

Street house design using lines and shapes.

Townhouses are now generally small in size, most of which have only a facade with a size usually from 3-5m, many Vietnamese house designs have a very short depth of the way so that the townhouse often take advantage of height planning, which allows for the development of space height to meet the living needs of family members.

The characteristics of modern Vietnamese house design are minimalist details of cumbersome architecture, paying attention to the aesthetic elements of the house façade. The most current and most intelligent design trend for modern townhouses is the use of lines, blocks, solid, horizontal slabs to deceive the visual senses of a larger home. horizontal, eradicate the high narrowness of the facade of your home.

In addition to the layout of the block is horizontally flush with the block layout, the plot of the echelon of the author also makes the feeling of your house more broad than normal.

Using materials in modern Vietnamese home design

Many of the street houses today use the entire facade is tempered glass

Besides the use of lines and cubes in the design of modern townhouses, the use of materials in the design of townhouses is no more important. Your home will lack beauty if you do not use modern decorative materials such as glass, iron, stainless steel, etc. Modern materials like glass have the advantage of saving space. The house at the same time has the ability to let light pass through to create a sense of spacious room space and close to nature.

Many of the street houses today use the entire facade is tempered glass, or tempered glass combined with stainless steel because they have a high aesthetic.

Combination of interior in modern townhouse design.

In order to design a beautiful house, it is necessary to combine harmony between interior and exterior architectural elements, an important factor determining the beauty of the house is the color of the paint. So far, the combination of paint colors to harmonize, bring beautiful pictures for the house and fit the character of the owner is always the problem of the landlord and architect.

The combination of paint colors to harmonize, bring beautiful pictures for the house

Therefore, the color and choice of paint colors must be in harmony with the material to emphasize the lines, blocks arranged intentionally, creating an impressive view for modern townhouses. Neutral colors, such as white, cream yellow, gray, pastel colors are used extensively for the background of the house, the dark colors, impressive as red, orange, blue, etc for the decorative details highlight the living space.

With those information about new trend of Vietnamese home design in 2018, hope that you will find some reasonable design for your home if you plan to have one next year.

Thang Tran _RaoXYZ