How to invest in townhouse for rent in Saigon

How to invest in townhouse for rent in Saigon

Townhouse is a new real estate has been imported into our country in recent years. With modern design, space saving, optimal use space of the house gradually attracted the attention of investors as well as many customers. In Vietnam, townhouses are built for the main business purpose. However, many customers are disturbed in the choice as well as the price when hiring a business.

The article below will help customers and investors have a better view of the rental market in our country today.

Nội dung bài viết

A townhouse definition

First, before you explore the profitable way of investing in townhouses, let’s find out what the concept of townhouse is.

The street house is a popular type of housing in urban areas, where the population is crowded, the streets are developed, and the traffic is convenient for traveling and doing business. The common name is Townhouse (home of the city, close translation means street house). There are street frontage, alley house, etc. The house has many types such as the construction of garden houses, green houses, commercial houses, etc.

Townhouse apartments for rent in Vietnam

The street in the existing residential area in Vietnam is considered as a potential investment channel by Vietnamese people who prefer real estate. However, to sell this type of real estate is not easy. The type of townhouse is preferred by investors and hunters, although the price is extremely expensive.

The type of townhouse is preferred by investors and hunters, although the price is extremely expensive

The street frontage is the type of house with main gate facing the major roads. According to the principles of property valuation, compared with the position in the alley, the land frontage price is always higher than the minimum of 25-30%. The value of property can increase exponentially depending on whether the house has one, two or three facades.

In addition, townhouses with large frontage are also priced higher than townhouses with small frontage. If the capital flow is large enough, most of the land and housing buyers prefer to buy a frontage home because this property is able to rent high prices, keep prices good and have the opportunity to increase prices than the type of townhouse in the alley.

Why are street frontage more valuable than other types of townhouses?

In general, the street frontage of townhouse apartments for rent in Ho Chi Minh city
is used to trade, quite thoroughly. The street frontage can accommodate a wide range of goods, from food, foodstuffs, consumer goods, grocery to home furnishings, electronics, even for offices, offices, rooms. The value of the street frontage is always much more expensive than the type of townhouse in the alley because of high trade.

Tips when investing in townhouse for rent in Saigon in alley

The width of the alley plays a big role in determining the price of a street house in the alley. Thus, the alley can create some barriers to raise prices later while alley to positively impact the value of the house. Therefore, buying a small house in the alley is more profitable than buying a big house in the alley.

What to avoid when investing in an alley?

Buyers of street houses need to be alert, consider carefully before buying a small alley with a width of less than 1m

The advantage of owning a townhouse apartments for rent in Vietnam is that it does not require large capital flows, is affordable to many people and is popular with most Vietnamese in the city. However, the buyer of the alley should be more concerned with the problem than the front of the house. According to experts, buyers of street houses need to be alert, consider carefully before buying a small alley with a width of less than 1m, alley dead, especially avoid buying townhouses in the area of ​​poor security.

Why you should avoid buying a house in the alley?

A street corner in the alley is considered to be a low investment. This type of property is less likely to be profitable due to poor circulation, limited exits and especially in emergency situations where fire is extremely difficult. Because of these disadvantages that the seller is often the buyer pressure on the street transaction in the dead end.

Which type of townhouse have the opportunity to bargain?

The higher the rate of return on home equity, the more likely it is that the asset will be able to hold up well against inflation

Older sellers are more afraid to offer high prices, buyers are more likely to negotiate lower prices than the reference. With a townhouse definition – real estate type, the house is usually not worth as much land. Assets on land (buildings) can be degraded, depreciated over time. While land prices tend to go up in cycles of the market and rarely drop sharply. As a result, the higher the rate of return on home equity (land for housing purposes), the more likely it is that the asset will be able to hold up well against inflation.

At the same time, the townhouse apartments for rent in Ho Chi Minh city has not updated the transaction for a long time, making it difficult for sellers to know or difficult to determine the market price of the property because it is only used for the purpose of staying for generations. In this case, the buyer has the opportunity to negotiate, the price in his favor. The way to identify the type of townhouse that has not been traded for a long time is to look at the update and time to issue a certificate.

Thang Tran – RaoXYZ