Apartment for rent in Ba Dinh district - High priced, still attractive

Apartment for rent in Ba Dinh district - High priced, still attractive

In recent years, the market for rental apartments in Hanoi is extremely developed such as Cau Giay, Thanh Xuan, especially Ba Dinh. Ba Dinh is one of the central districts of Hanoi capital is located beautiful, convenient transportation so the market for rental apartments here extremely developed. Despite the high cost, real estate for rent in Ba Dinh is always in a state of fire, thirst for demand by tenants and quality apartments. In this article RaoXYZ will read with readers about the market for rental apartments in Ba Dinh, Hanoi today.

Rent apartments in Hanoi and some advices

For high income and stable customers, you should choose apartments in central districts such as Ba Dinh, Hoan Kiem. Because this is 2 District center of Hanoi with modern transport infrastructure and many convenient facilities to bring customers a comfortable life, great.

There are many high-end condominium projects built in Ba Dinh District that provide a living space of the upper class. In addition, the market for apartment for rent in Ba Dinh is no less exciting for business purposes mainly because Ba Dinh is a district in the center of Hanoi so the trade and commerce is very convenient.

Ba Dinh is one of the central districts of Hanoi capital, meanwhile the price of apartment for rent in Hanoi is very high

Choosing Ba Dinh as a place to live if you are an admirer gathering friends at every weekend, renting apartments, renting here is a reasonable choice. Ba Dinh is located in the center of Hanoi where life is very exciting and bustling with many eating and drinking venues such as luxurious style with the Eurasian restaurants, style street city, upmarket style. Consistent with the diverse lifestyles of many.

It can be said that if you love a dynamic and modern life, then you should choose apartment for rent in Ba Dinh.

In addition, some sightseeing places where you and your family can go each weekend, such as walking street, lobster tea, church, Long Bien bridge, Sword Lake, Dong Xuan market.

It can be said that if you love a dynamic and modern life, then you should choose apartment for rent in Ba Dinh.

The market of apartment for rent in Ba Dinh fluctuates

According to the real estate market of rent apartments in Hanoi, the Ba Dinh and Hoan Kiem districts are the two hot spots in the office rent market in Hanoi. While foreign CEOs have a lot of plans to invest more in the Vietnamese economy in the near future. Vietnamese companies are also scrambling to expand their office space.

The major financial reports in Vietnam are optimistic about the economy of more than 90 million people. Especially with an expected growth rate of 6.2% – 6.3%. Capital flows from foreign countries to the Vietnamese market are still very stable and extremely abundant. The highlight is still the real estate market.

With positive signals from the Vietnamese economy, foreign companies are very interested in the market. Therefore, the increasing demand for office space for rent in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. HCM increasingly. Moreover, office space for lease in Ba Dinh District and Hoan Kiem District has always been scarce. Market demand of apartment for rent in Ba Dinh Hanoi is still high but the growth rate of Grade A and B office buildings in this area is not high. The main reason is that land funds in these two districts are almost difficult to expand the office space.

Supply and demand led to changes in the price of apartment for rent

Real estate areas Ba Dinh scarce space to rent tenants plan very early

Demand increases, supply does not increase leading to the situation of apartment for rent in Ba Dinh increased trend. Typically, Grade A office rents increased by about 3.3% in the first quarter. This is an area where development and the center of many agencies, culture, laws of the state. The Grade B office buildings in this area are also rising and closing. The average rent for office space in Ba Dinh district is about $29/m2/ month and $18.9/m2/month respectively, and this level can still increase in the coming time.

Apart from advantages in the area is the concentration of many agencies and banks. The office buildings in the area also enjoy countless shopping services, shopping centers, dining, entertainment, cafés. Real estate areas Ba Dinh scarce space to rent tenants plan very early. It can be said that the market is quite open to Hanoi in general and the central district in particular. However, to find office for rent in the Ba Dinh district at reasonable prices is something that business owners have to consider.

At present, the market of apartment for rent in Ba Dinh is very exciting and the customers are particularly interested. Although not attracting a large number of customers such as Thanh Xuan District or Ha Dong, most of the tenants here are in the affluent business class.

In addition, for the business people can focus on the number of foreign customers are living in Ha Noi because the majority of these customers concentrated mainly in the central district.

Above is some information about the rental market in Hanoi in general and Ba Dinh in particular. Believe that with this information investors can orient investment and exploit effectively to bring the highest benefits.

Thang Tran – mogi.vn