7 things to do in Christmas - Reason for couples to rent apartment in Vietnam

7 things to do in Christmas - Reason for couples to rent apartment in Vietnam

Christmas, which is becoming more and more popular in Vietnam several recent years, is an example of differences between Vietnamese and Western culture. With all these differences, what can you and your loved one do after you both settle and rent an apartment in Vietnam?

However, there are still some similarities. Living in Vietnam, if you wonder what your sweetheart and you should as well as could do on this celebration, check out the following ideas.

Nội dung bài viết

1.  Watch a romantic movie together

About Time - A great movie for couples' Christmas
About Time – A great movie for couples’ Christmas

Christmas is not a traditional celebration in Vietnam. Therefore, after you decided to rent an apartment in Vietnam, it is very difficult to listen to anthems or see Christmas trees on the streets. Instead, you can replace anthems with romantic movies, which can bring unique emotions to both of you and your partner.

Some never-get-old films for this occasion are When Harry Met Sally, Love Actually, Home Alone (part 1 and part 2), Christmas in Connecticut, It’s a wonderful life, Gremlins, The Snowman, and so on. All of them are romantic comedies and carrying happy moments to everyone.

Just imagine you and your girlfriend or boyfriend holding hands, leaning on each other, having some popcorn, and watching romantic scenes. Christmas can be extremely wonderful and winter can be much less cold, right?

2.  Enjoy eggnog with each other

Eggnog is not a familiar beverage in Christmas in Vietnam because it is original from Western countries. In some nations, drinking eggnog in entire December is a long tradition. The beverage must have so special flavor that many people are in love with it.

And indeed, it is. Eggnog has a unique light yellow of cheddar cheese color, which makes anybody’s stomach growl for the first time they see it. The drink is made from various ingredients depending on routines of each area. But, most common elements are wine, milk, eggs, nutmegs, vanilla, and cinnamon, which can explain for eggnog creamy look after being done.

However, you may find it hard to make eggnog in Vietnam because of lacking ingredients. So, you can use egg coffee, which is very common in Vietnam, for substitution. It is made from coffee, fresh eggs, condensed milk, and honey. Therefore, egg coffee has a little of greasiness from eggs, bitterness from coffee, and sweetness from honey.

Due to the fantastic taste that the beverage brings, it will be an appropriate activity for you and your partner to do together to enjoy life in Vietnam. Nothing can be better than waking up early and enjoying a Christmas traditional hot drink with each other.

3.  Have dinner in the candlelight

Romantic dinner in candlelight with some cocktail
Romantic dinner in candlelight with some cocktail

Christmas is being widely known by Vietnamese citizens. In latest years, similar to Valentine, it is considered an occasion for families and groups of friends to spend time with one another. That is why the streets are often very crowded on this day.

So having dinner in the candlelight seems to be a perfect option for a Christmas for couples living in Vietnam. You two can keep away from the crowds and have some time alone in a fancy restaurant that you both love. If you rent an apartment in Hanoi, Red Bean, French Grill, Gia Ngu, and Ngon Villa are several reliable restaurants.

If you have an apartment in Ho Chi Minh City, you can look for Lemongrass Saigon, Camargue Saigon, and EON51 Fine Dining. All of them are famous for romantic surroundings and mouthwatering foods. Or if you are good at cooking, you can move Christmas in the candlelight to your home by making something delicious for your girl or boyfriend. It will be a total surprise for the other.

4.  Give each other Christmas handmade presents

Besides writing a letter to Santa Claus and making snowmen, giving each other Christmas gifts is another well-known tradition that family members and friends often do. A present made by your hand and with all your love will definitely touch your girl or boyfriend’s heart.

Also, Vietnam is in the tropical zone so there is no snow in the winter to build snowmen. Therefore, handmade gifts will be a perfect option for both of you on Vietnamese Christmas. Most people would love to receive cute little things meticulously made by hands instead common Christmas gifts that can be bought in any store.

Although making handmade presents can be difficult at initial times, you will get used to that soon. Just keep working on it and you will see yourself better every day. And remember that giving unusual gifts is a special way to bring happiness to your honey.

5.  Go to a church and pray

Praying in a church for a better year
Praying in a church for a better year

You don’t have to be religious to go to a church and pray. Similar to numerous Vietnamese, who are not Buddhists but still go to temples on New Year’s Eve to pray for the upcoming year, visiting a church can be a brand new experience for you and your love.

As long as you are open-hearted to the supreme and to yourself, praying is a great thing to do on Christmas. Renting an apartment in Vietnam near a church is a suitable choice. Furthermore, Christmas spirit can only be clearly noticed in churches. So not only can you celebrate Christmas with your sweetheart but also discover whole traditional Western cultural traits. It can be the most meaningful Christmas ever in your life.

6.  Buy Christmas decorations together

Most Vietnamese citizens are Buddhists or not religious. So, there are neither Christmas trees nor decorations on the celebration. Nonetheless, you and your love can still make something different to your house by buying several fairy lights, wreaths, and little Christmas trees or snowmen.

And instead of hanging them on a tree, you can use them to decorate windows, doors, and furniture. Be creative as far as you can and you will receive results beyond your imagination. Particularly, seeing the smile on your angel’s eyes is absolutely what you will most expect for this Christmas in Vietnam.

7.  Dance with Christmas music on

Dancing with Christmas music on by a river bank
Dancing with Christmas music on by a river bank

It could be the most romantic thing that you two will have a chance to do in this celebration. If you never try it before, the forthcoming Christmas is just the opportunity. When familiar melody, such as Jingle Bells or Santa is coming to town, is turned on, grab his or her hand and start dancing.

It does not matter how excellent you and your partner can dance. Feeling blissful is the only thing that you need to know. Should you are a guy and know how to dance, you can lead her steps and twists along with the music. And if you are a girl, trying some natural and simple movements first will be better because it may take some more minutes for guys to catch up with music than girls.

Once you rent an apartment in Vietnam, make the time to try all of these in this festive season and you will see how wonderful it is.

Khanh Huyen – RaoXYZ