5 tips to rent an apartment and have a comfortable life in Vietnam

5 tips to rent an apartment and have a comfortable life in Vietnam

Moving to Vietnam is becoming a common option for various people in other countries. It is easy to understand because besides low cost-of-living and excellent food and beverages, Vietnam is full of opportunities. Therefore, if you are about to rent an apartment in Vietnam and spend the next 10 years in the country, the following tips will show you the best preparation that you ever need.

Nội dung bài viết

1. Carefully look for an apartment for rent in Vietnam before moving in

Some houses for rent in Vietnam

It is one of the initial things that you should do before moving to Vietnam. Whatever city you choose to live, prices for housing still vary from area to area. And of course, house owners in urban areas usually charge higher than rural ones.

For example, the prices of houses for rent in Ho Chi Minh city are different among districts. It can take you only 500 USD to have a well-equipped apartment in District 7 but that may rise up to 2000 USD for the same one in District 1. Similarly, in Hanoi, the cost-of-housing is about 500 to 700 USD for one-bedroom flats and 1500 USD for two-bedroom ones.

Therefore, what you should do is to consider your monthly income and budget so as to find the most appropriate place to settle in. Then, contact the lessor or your embassy in Vietnam to ask for support.

2. Find a suitable place where like-minded people often come

Jazz Club - A destination for like-minded expats
Jazz Club – A destination for like-minded expats

Cultural shock is unavoidable when you decide to settle in Vietnam. It seems ironic because culture could be one of your reasons to buy houses in Vietnam in the first place. Nevertheless, differences in lifestyle and communication can still annoy you sometimes.

A typical situation is that Vietnamese often keep their eyes distance while talking and do not consider looking into one another eyes a habit. But foreigners, especially Americans, think the other way round. Or when you walk into a coffee shop with a Vietnamese friend, others may stare at you only because they find you unlike them. If you are not familiar with people in Vietnam, all good impressions on the country may immediately disappear.

That is why to overcome the cultural shock, you can look for houses in Vietnam around your neighborhood where foreigners like you often visit. Jazz clubs, coffee shops, or comedy shows, such as Rotten Grapes shows in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are some great choices.

3. Learn Vietnamese

Living in Vietnam as an expat, as a matter of fact, you need to know Vietnamese. Also, it will be a key for you to get closer to local citizens and blend in easier. Also, there are many outdoor markets instead of supermarkets available around where you rent your apartment. And memorizing a few simple words and sentences can massively assist you in buying food as well as groceries.

The only problem that you may meet is that Vietnamese is relatively hard to learn. Both grammar and pronunciation are usually said to be born to make learners out of their mind. Pronunciation is particularly the craziest one when a little incorrect mispronounce in sound can turn the original meaning into something completely different.

So studying plain structures first is often the best choice for all foreigners. And if you are sufficiently hard-working, good results will come soon.

4. Try getting a Labor Permit

When you come to Vietnam for working, it is compulsory to have a Labor Permit. It is fundamentally a certificate to work in Vietnam as an expat. You can call the embassy in your country in Vietnam to clarify this information and ask them what is needed. They will tell you what to do, where to go, and what to prepare to get that permission.

Normally, the authorities will ask if you have any criminal records in the previous country, some photos, health certificate, and several other things. Having Labor Permit before coming to Vietnam can do you a huge favor when coping with securities or immigration department.

5. Get ready for new changes every day

As written above, one of the reasons to move and rent an apartment in Vietnam is that this country is full of opportunities. And those come from rapid changes that it is obtaining every day.

Today, there are only houses in your neighborhood. But tomorrow, they can become skyscrapers or high-quality apartment buildings. Perhaps, you are living in a village with houses of brick when you move in. Nevertheless, one month later, it can become four or even seven-story house for sale.

Therefore, get ready for changes and keep up with the changes once you buy a house in Vietnam. You have many years ahead here to live and enjoy.

Khánh Huyền – RaoXYZ