Apartment for rent market in District 2 - A good sign in 2017

Apartment for rent market in District 2 - A good sign in 2017

The liquidity of the cheap house for rent in District 2 has increased significantly since the beginning of the year, partly due to demand for housing.

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House in District 2 - The hottest real estate in Ho Chi Minh city

House in District 2 - The hottest real estate in Ho Chi Minh city

A survey in District 2 shows that, after 10 years (2006-2016), price of house for lease in District 2 has increased by an average of 6-12 times.

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Top 5 desirable penthouses for sale in Ho Chi Minh city

Top 5 desirable penthouses for sale in Ho Chi Minh city

With high income workers, successful businessmen, ... the demand for penthouses for sale in Ho Chi Minh city is still the largest of the country.

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House in alley - Golden spot in Vietnam real estate market 2017

House in alley - Golden spot in Vietnam real estate market 2017

Alley house for sale is very small, but prices are extremely expensive, and the market of alley houses in ho chi minh city has been heat up for 7 months

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The most 5 “Green” apartment projects, which are expected in Ha  Noi

The most 5 “Green” apartment projects, which are expected in Ha  Noi

When buyers are more interested in “green” and energy saving, many investors have quickly applied this model in many apartments for sale in Hanoi.

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6 golden TIPS to buy an apartment in Vietnam

6 golden TIPS to buy an apartment in Vietnam

Determining the financial ability, carefully researching the information about the project, checking the house purchase contract ...

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Villa, terraced houses in Hanoi - Easy money for investors

Villa, terraced houses in Hanoi - Easy money for investors

Villa and terraced house market is moving in terms of both supply and liquidity, and is quietly siphoning money from the rich people in Hanoi.

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Townhouse for sale - 9 reasons why you should invest in it

Townhouse for sale - 9 reasons why you should invest in it

9 golden reasons below will show you why investing in townhouse and facade house will bring you so many benefits. Let's find out them!

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Real estate in District 7 - The most valuable market in HCM City

Real estate in District 7 - The most valuable market in HCM City

Real estate in District 7 has once been a highlight major when it comes to property market in Saigon: buying, selling, leasing and earning money;..ect...

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8 Golden Tips To Help Real Estate Investments Get Profits

8 Golden Tips To Help Real Estate Investments Get Profits

Mogi will give some advice by which you can find the proper ways to real estate investment and increase its value, as well as provide good cash flow.

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Vietnam real estate for rent in 2017 with the trend of rental home

Vietnam real estate for rent in 2017 with the trend of rental home

Demand for rented apartment in cities such as Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi is increasing, that's why the rental of raw materials falls into the "burning" situation

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Mid-end apartment supply plentiful

Mid-end apartment supply plentiful

The real estate market in Vietnam will see an abundant supply of mid-end apartments toward the end of the year, especially in HCM and Hanoi

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